April 2017 Immigration Rules changes
28 Mar 2017
16 March 2017, the Home Office has laid before Parliament a package of changes to the Immigration Rules. These changes mainly affect applications using Certificates of Sponsorship assinged by sponsors on or after 6 April 2017, the main changes are oulined below.
Oversea criminal record certificates
The Home Office are extending the requirement to provide a criminal records certificate to Tier 2 (General) applicants coming to work in the education, health and social care sectors and to their adult dependents.
A certificate will be required for applicants sponsored in these Standard Pccupation Classification codes. Applicants in these codes outside of the Tier 2 (General) route, such as Intra-company Transfers are not affected.
Certificates will also be required from partners applying from overseas, on or after 6 April 2017 who want to join an existing Tier 2 ( General) visa holder working in one of these sectors.
Immigrations Skills Charge
The Home Office announced in March 2016, an Immigration Skills Charge of £1,000 per skilled worker per year is being introduced for employers in the Tier 2 ( General) and Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) routes. The charge is £364 for small and charitable sponsors. However there are some exemptions for:
PhD-level occupations;
Intra-company Transfer Graduate Trainees;
Switching from Tier4 to Tier 2 in the UK
Immigration Health Surcharge
Introduced on 2015, the surcharge in paid by non-EEA nationals who apply to come to the UK to work, study or join family for a period of more than 6 months. It is also paid by non-EEA nationals who are already in the UK and apply to extend to their stay.
From 6 April 2017, those applying for a Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) will be required to pay a surcharge of £200 per person per year. Dependents pay around the same amount as the main applicant.
Other changes to Tier 2 applications
Secondary school teachers in combined science, computer and Mandarin are being added to the Shortage Occupation List. Secondary school teachers in chemistry are being removed from the list;
Increasing the minimum salary that sponsors can offer a Tier 2 (General) worker from £25,000 to £30,000 for experienced workers. Some jobs in the health and educations sectors are exempt until 1 July 2019;
Closing the Tier 2(Intra-company Transfer) Short Term Staff category, meaning that all ICT workers, except graduate trainees, must qualify under a single route with a salary threhold of £41,500;
Reducing the high-earners' salary for the Intra-company Transfer Long Term Staff category from £155,300 to £120,000. These high earners can stay in the route for up to nine years, rather than the usual five years;
Removing the requirement for Intra-company Transfer workers to have at least one year's experiences working for the sponsor's linked entity overseas, for applicants paid£73,900 or above;
Introducing a waiver for the Resident Labour Market Test and an exemption from the Tier 2 (General) limit for posts which support the relocation of a high value business to the UK or a significant new inward investment project;
Annual updates to the occupational salary rates in the codes of practice;
Changes to provide greater clarity and condidtency as to which types of allowance will be considered against the salary requirements.
Please visit GOV for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us