Beaumont Park Associates Ltd is providing the latest news for UK Visa and Immigration.
Please contact us if you need more information or have any questions about news, we will be able to advise you on the best route to a successful application.
The UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is the border control agency of the United Kingdom (UK) government and an Executive Agency of the Home Office.

01 Dec 2017
BPA relocated our office to our new address at The Leadenhall Building,
Level 30, Suite 57, 122 Leadenhall Street, City of London, EC3V 4AB, UK
from 1st December 2017 due to business expanding.
Please continue to support our service. We are always welcoming your feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries regarding to our service and UK Visa & Immigration.

04 Apr 2017
UK Visa & Immigration is changing the way UK settlement visa applicat in Japan submit the supporting documents.
From 20 March 2017, all supporting documents should be sent to the UK address below by the sponsor or applicant.
Settlement Applications, International Operations and Visas
PO Box 5852
United Kingdom
S11 0FX
Applicants can also choose the documents scanning service where the supporting documents will be scanned and submitted by VFS Global, for an additional fee.
The UKVI aims make a decision on a settlement visa within 60 working days. If the applicant has opted for the Settlement Priority Visa Service, the application will be put at the front of the queue and the decision expedited.
Preparing the application for submission
Supporting documents should be sent as soon as possible to the UK after the online application from has been completed, and should include the unique GWF number. The documents may be sent before the application and biometrics are submitted. The guidelines below will help for the application preparation.
Where required, original documents should be provided. If photocopies are also submitted, they must be clear and legible. The UKVI also recommend the applicants provide photocopies of all the original documents.
Where possible all documents should be A4 size. Any documents which are smaller or larger than A4 size should be photocopied onto A4 sized paper. This includes the pages of any previous passports. All documents should be free from paper clips, pins or staples before they are submitted.
Applicant who purchased for Premium or Priority Service will need to attach the receipt to the front of the bundle, to alert it is a priority application.
Applicant also need to attach a photocopy of biometric page of the applicant's passport at the front of the bundle.
Ensure that the GWF reference number (generated when the application is completed online). and the locaion of the centre where the application was lodged. are both marked clearly on the outside of the envelope and at the top right hand corner of the first page of the of enclosed documents.
Torn, crumpled or heavily creased documents cannot be scanned the therefore should be photocopied onto A4 paper before they are submitted
Documets should not be laniated
Once the applicant has prepared the documents, submit them along with a suitably sized pre-paid, self addressed envelope for return, either to an address in the UK or in Japan.
Please note that supporting documents may be returned before the applicant receives a decision on the application. This is a normal part of the process and thre is no need to contact UKVI.
What will happen to the passport?
The passport will not be sent to the UK but will remain with UK Visas & Immigration thoughout the process.
What does the sponsor need to do?
For any applications made on or after 20 March 2017, all the supporting documents for the application should be sent directly to Sheffield at the address above.
What will happen to the documents?
Supporting documents will be returned directly from the Sheffield decision making centre to the address the applicant provides on the enclosed return envelope.
The sponsor sent the documents to UKVI in Manila, will I get refused?
The UKVI accepts that there may be a small number of errors initially. For a transition period of one month, supporting documents sent in error to Manila will be forwarded to Sheffield, After that period, documents will be returned to the sender for re-submission to Sheffield.
Will it take longer for the visa to be processed?
No, UKVI will continue to processes visa application in line with its global customer service standard, which is 60 working days for a standard settlment application. A Settlement Priority Visa Service is also available to eligible applicants, which guarantees the application will be processed at the front of the queue. This expedited service will begin when both the application and supporting documents are received by UKVI rather than when they are submitted. Where UKVI are unbale to resolve an application within its service standards, UKVI will contine to write to applicants to explain why.
Please visit VFS for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us

04 Apr 2017
UK Visas & Immigration is changing the way UK settlement visa applicants in China submit their supporting documents.
From 13 March 2017, all supporting documents should be sent to the UK address below by the sponsor or applicant. Passports should continue to be submitted at the Visa Application Centre.
PO Box 5852
United Kingdom
S11 0FX
The change has been introduced by UK Visas and Immigration as part of its commitment to to continuously improve performance and maintain excellent customer service. It means sponsors will be able to submit supporting documents within the UK, and have them returned to them in a much shorter timeframe.
Visas and decision notices will be returned to the applicant along with the passport. Supporting documents will be returned to the sponsor in the UK.
Settlement applications will continue to be decided within UKVI's customer service standard of 60 working days.
What to include in the supporting document bundle?
Applicant must make sure the GWF reference number (generated when the application is completed online) and location where the visa application was lodged are both marked clearly on the outside of the envelope and at the top right hand corner of the first top page of the enclosed documents.
A photocopy of the applicant's passport at the front of bundle.
One printed copy of the application form and photo.
All additional documents supporting the application. These should include any documents originating in the UK, e.g: evidence of maintenance and accommodation.
Applicants are suggested to provide A4 photocopies of all the documents when submit. Documents should not be stapled.
Documents should not be laminated.
The documents should be arranged in the following order:
◎ Application form and Appendix 2
◎ English language evidence
◎ Relationship documents
◎ Maintenance documents
◎ Accommodation documents
Applicants should submit the documents along with a suitably sized pre-paid, self-addressed envelope so they can be returned to the sponsor in the UK.
Failure to provide this information may result in a dely to the assessment of the application. The supporting documents may be returned to applicant's sponsor before appicant receives a decision on the application. This is a notmal part of the process and there is no need to contact UKVI further.
What will happen to the passport?
Applicant's passport will not be sent to the UK. It will be securely couriered to UKVI's office in Beijing.
What does the sponsor need to do?
All the supporting documentation that the sponsor wishes to submit to support the application should be sent direct to Sheffield.
What will happen to the documents?
Supporting documents will be returned directly from the Sheffielf visa section to the sponsor in the UK.
Will it take longer for the visa to be processed?
The UKVI will contine to process visa applications in line with the customer service standard, which is 60 working days for a settlement application. In the case of the UKVI is unable to resolve an application within the service standards, the UKVI will write to applicants to explain why.
Please visit VFS for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us

28 Mar 2017
16 March 2017, the Home Office has laid before Parliament a package of changes to the Immigration Rules. These changes mainly affect applications using Certificates of Sponsorship assinged by sponsors on or after 6 April 2017, the main changes are oulined below.
Oversea criminal record certificates
The Home Office are extending the requirement to provide a criminal records certificate to Tier 2 (General) applicants coming to work in the education, health and social care sectors and to their adult dependents.
A certificate will be required for applicants sponsored in these Standard Pccupation Classification codes. Applicants in these codes outside of the Tier 2 (General) route, such as Intra-company Transfers are not affected.
Certificates will also be required from partners applying from overseas, on or after 6 April 2017 who want to join an existing Tier 2 ( General) visa holder working in one of these sectors.
Immigrations Skills Charge
The Home Office announced in March 2016, an Immigration Skills Charge of £1,000 per skilled worker per year is being introduced for employers in the Tier 2 ( General) and Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) routes. The charge is £364 for small and charitable sponsors. However there are some exemptions for:
PhD-level occupations;
Intra-company Transfer Graduate Trainees;
Switching from Tier4 to Tier 2 in the UK
Immigration Health Surcharge
Introduced on 2015, the surcharge in paid by non-EEA nationals who apply to come to the UK to work, study or join family for a period of more than 6 months. It is also paid by non-EEA nationals who are already in the UK and apply to extend to their stay.
From 6 April 2017, those applying for a Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) will be required to pay a surcharge of £200 per person per year. Dependents pay around the same amount as the main applicant.
Other changes to Tier 2 applications
Secondary school teachers in combined science, computer and Mandarin are being added to the Shortage Occupation List. Secondary school teachers in chemistry are being removed from the list;
Increasing the minimum salary that sponsors can offer a Tier 2 (General) worker from £25,000 to £30,000 for experienced workers. Some jobs in the health and educations sectors are exempt until 1 July 2019;
Closing the Tier 2(Intra-company Transfer) Short Term Staff category, meaning that all ICT workers, except graduate trainees, must qualify under a single route with a salary threhold of £41,500;
Reducing the high-earners' salary for the Intra-company Transfer Long Term Staff category from £155,300 to £120,000. These high earners can stay in the route for up to nine years, rather than the usual five years;
Removing the requirement for Intra-company Transfer workers to have at least one year's experiences working for the sponsor's linked entity overseas, for applicants paid£73,900 or above;
Introducing a waiver for the Resident Labour Market Test and an exemption from the Tier 2 (General) limit for posts which support the relocation of a high value business to the UK or a significant new inward investment project;
Annual updates to the occupational salary rates in the codes of practice;
Changes to provide greater clarity and condidtency as to which types of allowance will be considered against the salary requirements.
Please visit GOV for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us

13 Mar 2017
From 10 March 2017 all documents submitted by applicants applying for all categories are scanned at the Visa Application Centre and sent electronically to UKVI. Photocopies can be submitted, but they must be clear and legible. In order to avoid delays in the Visa Application Centre applicants are suggested to follow the instructions below:
All documents must be A4 size
Any documents which are smaller or larger than A4 size, must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper. This includes the pages of any previous passports.
All documents must be free from any staples, clips or pins before they are submitted.
Torn, crumpled or heavily creased documents cannot be scanned and therefore must be photocopied onto A4 sized paper before they are submitted
Documents should not be laminated
Applicant must sort and separate the documents that wish to submit in accordance with the categories set out here. A barcode separator for each of these categories must then be downloaded from the VFS Global website and placed on the top of each set of documents. A list of the relevant documents for each category can be found on the bar code separators. This must be done before reaching the submission counter at the application centre.
Please visit GOV for more information.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

22 Nov 2016
On 17th December 2016, Home Office published a new requirement for part of the new Tier 2 applicants and their dependants. From 6 April 2017, those applying to come to the UK for employment under certain SOC codes, and their adult dependants, will be subject to the requirement under Paragraph 320(2A) of the Immigration Rules to produce a criminal record certificate from any country in which they have been resident for 12 months or more, consecutively or cumulatively, in the previous 10 years, aged 18 or over. From January 2017, sponsors must start informing prospective employees at the point they assign their COS that they may become subject to this requirement by the time they make their application. This will enable them to begin seeking certificates where needed at the earliest opportunity, and to lodge a complete application for entry clearance sooner. Affected SOC codes are:
2217 Medical radiographers
2218 Podiatrists
2219 Health professionals not elsewhere classified
2221 Physiotherapists
2222 Occupational therapists
2223 Speech and language therapists
2229 Therapy professionals not elsewhere classified
2231 Nurses
2232 Midwives
2312 Further education teaching professionals
2314 Secondary education teaching professionals
2315 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
2316 Special needs education teaching professionals
2317 Senior professionals of educational establishments
2318 Education advisers and school inspectors
2319 Teaching and other educational professionals not elsewhere classified
2442 Social workers
2443 Probation officers
2449 Welfare professionals not elsewhere classified
Please visit GOV for more information.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

21 Nov 2016
On the 19th November 2019 UKVI announced business travellers and frequent visitors from a host countries will be able to benefit from faster entry to the UK as the Government's Registered Traveller Service is expanded.
The Registered Traveller Service was only available to the applicants who are from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan,Singapore and South Korea from today 21st November 2016, the service will also be open to the passengers from Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chille, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Please visit GOV for more information.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

09 Nov 2016
On the 3rd Nov. 2016 the UK government announced changes to the Immigration Rules regarding Tier 2 visa.
The following are the main changes:
The salary threshold for the experienced workers has been increased to £25,000 for the majority of new applicants ( the salary threshold for new entrants has been held at £20,800). An exemption from this increase will apply for certain professions, however the exemption will end in July 2019;
As a transitional arrangement, the £25,000 threshold will not apply to workers sponsored in Tier 2 (General) before the 24th Nov. 2016, if they apply to extended their stay in the category. The Government intends to increase the threshold to £30,000 in Apr. 2017; there will be no such transitional arrangement between 24th Nov 2016 and Apr 2017;
Graduates who apply in the UK continue to be exempt from the limit;
A change is being made to facilitate changes of occupation for applicants sponsored in graduate training programmes. This enables them to change occupation within the programme or at the end of the programme, without their sponsor needing to carry out a further Resident Labour Market Test or for them to make a new application;
Nurses are being retained on the Shortage Occupation LIst, but Residents Labour Market Test is required before a nurse is assigned a Certificate of Sponsorship;
Changes are being made to prevent switching from Tier 4 to Tier 2 where the applicant is relying on a qualification obtained via supplementary study and clarify that an applicant switching from Tier 4 must have studied their course at a UK recognised body or a body in receipt of public funding as a higher education institution;
The salary for short term ICT applicants has been increased to £30,000 for new applicants. A transitional arrangement applies for those already in the UK under the short term route;
The closure of the Skills Transfer sub-category to new applicants;
Changs to the Graduate Trainee sub-category. The salary threshold has been reduced from £24,000 to £23,000 and the number of places a sponsor can use has been increased from 5 to 20 per year.
Above information from GOV, please visit for more information.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

03 Nov 2016
As UKVI announced in January this year, a new English language requirement at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is being introduced for non-EEA partners and parents.
This affects those applying to extend their stay after 2.5 years in the UK on a 5-year route to settlement under Appendix FM (Family Members) to the Immigration Rules.
The new requirement will apply to partners and parents whose current leave under the family Immigration Rules is due to expire on or after 1 May 2017.
According to the announcement applicants will be exempt from the A2 requirement if at the date of application they are aged 65 or over; they have a disability which prevents them from meeting the requirement; or there are exceptional circumstances which prevent them from being able to meet the requirement.
For more informaiton please visit GOV.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

18 Oct 2016
Apart from Postal and Premium service, faster reply service is now available for settlement visa application.
By using the faster reply service applicant may be able to receive decision within 5 working days if the application has already has been sent by post, additional £400.00 will be charged.
The faster reply service is only available for those who used:
Applicant can also use this service to apply for a biometric residence permit (BRP) if the applicant is settled in the UK with no time limit.
For more informaiton please visit GOV
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

22 Sep 16
UKVI announced that from 15th June 2016 the police registration condition will no longer appear on the Biometric Residence Permits (BRP).
If applicant is required to register with the police this will be confirmed on the visa vingette, If he/she is required to register with the police they must do so within 7 days of his/her arrival in the UK.
For more informaiton please visit GOV
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

10 Aug 2016
Super priority visa service opened up for Chinese students, it was announced on 1 Aug 2016.
Super priority visa service is a service which aims to process UK visa applications within 24 hours. During the paek application period, UKVI is expected likely to receive up tp 800 Tier 4 applications per day across China. A total of 100 super priority appointments will be made each day to Tier 4 applications who choose to attend the UK's Bejing, Guangzhou and Shanghai visa application centres between 8 August and 14 October 2016.
Priority visa service fee is £750.00 per applicant, which can be paid on-line or in the visa center.
Please visit GOV for more information.
To apply a UK visa visa GOV
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

27 May 2016
New visa application centres to open in Changsha, Kunming and Xian.
The UK is set to extend its network of visa application centres in China from 12 to 15 in anticipation of record demand this year.
The new centres will be located in Changsha, Kunming and Xian and will start welcoming applicants from next month.
The three new centres will be ideally located to improve the service’s geographical presence and make it even more accessible to as many Chinese people as possible. They will offer many of the premium services available elsewhere, including the popular 3-5 day priority visa service.
The UK’s commitment to expand the network was announced by Prime Minister David Cameron during the State Visit of President Xi to the UK in October.
The UK is also enlarging its existing visa application centres in Beijing and Guangzhou in preparation for the peak application period.
The launch dates and locations of each centre are:
10 June: Xian – Room 1103, Building A, Mole Collection Centers, Cross Road of Keji 6th Road and Fenghui South Road, High-tech Zone, Xian City, Shaanxi Province 710000 China
15 June: Kunming – 1502B, Building 5, Xindulongcheng, No. 1079 Beijing Road, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650000 China
1 July: Changsha – No.1-3 Conference Room, 2/F, White Swan Hotel, No.258, Xiangfu Zhong Road, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province 410000 China
Customers applying online will be able to book appointments at the new centres from the beginning of June. Further details will be provided in due course.
For more information about the UK visa application process, visit here.
You can see a full list of our premium services here
To apply for a UK visa, visit GOV
If you have any questions or are concerned about your application through BPA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

15 Mar 2016
On 11th March 2016, the Home Office published the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 877.
Please see a summary the relevant changes below.
Course changes with same sponsor
A Tier 4 (General) student may only change courses with the same sponsor, without first applying to UKVI for a new visa, if:
o the sponsor is an HEI with Tier 4 Sponsor status;
o the course is at degree level or above and not at a lower level than the previous course;
o the new course can be completed within the period of leave they currently hold; and
o if the applicant has previously been granted Tier 4 leave, the sponsor confirms that the course is related to the previous course, or the previous course and the new course in combination support the applicant’s genuine career aspirations
Academic Progression
Further restrictions on in-country applications - students who wish to make an application for leave to remain must be studying at degree level and above.
Time limit calculation (degree level)
Clarification has been added to specify that for the purposes of calculating how much time has been spent contributing to the time limits, the period of leave granted, and the level of course for which the leave was granted, will be counted, rather than (if different) periods and courses actually studied.
Time spent as a Tier 4 (General) student under the age of 18 will now be included in the time cap calculations.
Right to work- Setting up businesses
Definition of self-employment has been tightened to prohibit students from setting up their own business in the UK whilst studying.
Please be aware that all of this is coming into effect on 6th April 2016.
Further clarification is being sought from the Home Office by UKCISA (in particular regarding time limit calculation) and further information will be circulated in due course.
Further info please visit GOV.UK
If you have any questions regarding this change by UKVI, or are concerned about your application through BPA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

01 Mar 2016
Confirmation of new application and service fees announced by UK Visas and Immigration.
In January, the Home Office introduced legislation to set the maximum amounts it can charge for visa, immigration and nationality applications over the next 4 years. This legislation is now in force.
The new legislation will come into effect on 18 March (6 April for the Isle of Man).
The main changes are:
visas linked most closely to economic growth, such as those offered to workers and students, will be increased by 2%
a 2% increase will apply to all visit visas to help maintain the UK’s position as one of the world’s top tourist destinations
an increase of up to 25% will apply to settlement, residence and nationality fees, as these routes deliver the most benefits to successful applicants
an increase of up to 33% for optional premium services offered by the Home Office such as the super premium service and priority visa services overseas
Fees for all sponsorship categories will be held at the current rates.
The list of the new fees can be found in the fees table.
Above information source:
If you have any questions regarding this change by UKVI, or are concerned about your application through BPA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

05 Feb 2016
New Engliah language test for family route migrants.
The Prime Minister announced on 18 January a new English language requirement for family route migrants seeking to extend their stay in the UK.
Non-EEA national partners and parents on the family route will need to pass a speaking and listening test at level A2 in order to qualify, after two-and-a half-years in the UK, for further leave to remain on the five-year partner or parent route to settlement.
The new A2 requirement delivers the government’s manifesto commitment to ensure that those coming to the UK on a family visa with only basic English will become more fluent over time. It will mean that the person can better engage in everyday conversation and thereby better participate and integrate in everyday life in the community.
The government recognises the need to give those affected sufficient time to prepare for the new test which is why the new requirement will not be implemented before October 2016. It will therefore not affect those required to apply for further leave to remain before then. The precise timing and further details will be confirmed by the Home Office in the next few weeks and published on GOV.UK.
Since November 2010, non-EEA national partners of British citizens or persons settled in the UK applying for a visa or initial leave to remain under the family route have been required to demonstrate that they can speak and understand basic English. This requirement was extended in July 2012 to parents of British citizens and persons settled in the UK. Since October 2013, adult migrants applying for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) have been required to meet level B1 in speaking and listening skills and pass the new Life in the UK test.
Above information from
Note: A2 level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR) indictaes the ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact us for help.

27 Jan 2016
The UK Government launched its new pilot two year visit visa offer for Chinese nationals on 11 January 2016.
Under the pilot scheme, Chinese customers applying in Mainland China for a six month standard visit visa will be eligible for a two year multiple entry visit visa at the same price of £85.
It will offer significantly better value in both cost and convenience and give customers greater flexibility when planning their travel to the UK.
The application process on remains unchanged but below is some guidance for those wishing to take advantage of this new offer:
1. Do not rush to apply immediately following the 11 January – you must be planning to travel to the UK within the next three months.
2. You must apply online using the website.
3. The pilot will begin at 00:01 (Beijing time) on Monday, 11 January. Those who apply and pay for a standard visit visa prior to this date will not be eligible for the new offer.
4. Initially, customers will still have to apply and pay for a six month standard visitor visa costing £85. However, they will automatically be considered for the new pilot two year visa. They should not click on the existing two year standard visitor visa option when they apply as they will be charged the higher fee of £324.
5. Successful applicants whose passport expires before their two year visit visa can still use it to visit the UK. They must ensure they travel with both their current passport and expired passport which contains the valid UK visa.
6. The pilot scheme is open to any citizen of the People’s Republic of China who holds any type of Chinese passport and applies for a standard visit visa in Mainland China, except where the application is for the following purposes:
Private medical treatment
To donate an organ
As an academic
The Approved Destination Status (ADS) scheme
It also does not apply to applications in the following visit categories: Marriage/Civil Partnership visit, Permitted Paid Engagements visit, Transit visit.
Above Information from
Further Information can be found at
If you have any questions regarding this new pilot visit visa offer, or are concerned about your application through BPA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

18 Jan 2016
UKVI will be releasing the new online application service for Tier 4 applicants, applying from within the UK.
It has the following benefits:
The application form is shorter.
The questions are more logically ordered and now take as little as 15 minutes to complete.
Log on is now easier, requiring just an e-mail address and password.
The service integrates with the Immigration Health Surcharge website, thus reducing the need to input data twice.
The customer can check and modify their answers online at any point prior to paying their health surcharge.
The service can be accessed on all computers, mobile and tablet devices.
Standalone appointment booking for Premium Services will also be improved for easier and smoother system.
If your application form is under processing:
As part of UKVI’s planned transition to the new online application service, the following changes will commence on Thursday 28 January, and be completed by 9:00am on Monday 1 February. Customers will be able to use UKVI services throughout this period.
The new online application service will be launched on for Tier 4 applications and Premium Service Centre appointments
You will no longer be able to begin a new application on the current UKVI Apply Online facility for Tier 4
You will no longer be able to book a new standalone appointment on the current UKVI Apply Online facility
You will be able to log in and complete applications which have been started prior to Thursday 28 January. These applications can be completed and submitted until midnight on 25 February.
What this means for you:
If you currently have a Tier 4 application in progress on the current online system, you must complete, pay for (including health surcharge), and submit your Tier 4 application no later than midnight on the 25 February 2016. After this date you will no longer be able to access the partially complete application form.
If you are unable to complete your application by this date, or you wish to re-start your Tier 4 application on the new online application system, you will need to submit a new application from Monday 1 February.
If you wish to retain any information held in your UKVI Apply Online account, you must access your account and save copies before midnight on the 25 February 2016. This includes copies of any previously submitted applications, or forms for appointments at Premium Service Centres.
If you have any questions regarding this new system experiment by UKVI, or are concerned about your application through BPA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

14 Jan 2016
If you lose your BRP, you must apply for a replacement BRP within the regulated time. You may be fined up to £1000 and have your permission to stay could be removed if you do not apply within time.
If you lost your BRP in the UK , you must apply within 3 months from the date you lost your BRP. A replacement BRP costs £45. You must report to the Home Office immediately by emailing, calling +44 (0) 208 527 3263, or via online report ( You can choose either postal or premium service (only if you have leave to remain or indefinite leave to remain). The application process and details could be found here:
If you lost your BRP outside the UK, you must apply within 1 month from the date you lost your BRP. Again, you must report to the Home Office immediately by email, phone, or online report. As BRP cannot be applied from the outside the UK, you must apply for a single entry visa to re-enter the UK. Once you entered the UK you will need to apply for a replacement BRP as explained above.
BPA assists your re-application to enter the UK from outside and replacement of BRP. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
(Ref: )

11 Jan 2016
Some foreign nationals can registered themselves to get through UK border control faster. If registered, you do not fill in a landing card.
You must have a passport from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand or USA
You must be aged 18 or older
You must have a visa or have visited the UK 4 times or more in the last 24 months
You will be able to use at;
UK/EU entry lanes and ePassport gates (if you have a biometric passport) at Birmingham, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Gatwick, Glasgow, Heathrow, London City, Luton, Manchester and Stansted Airports
Fast Track entry lanes at Heathrow terminals 3 and 4
Eurostar terminals at Paris, Brussels and Lille without having to fill in a landing card
£70 to apply to use the service for 1 year
(If the application is unsuccessful, you will get £50 back)
Updating information
If already registered and need to update passport details, it costs £20
Updating visa information is free
Debit or credit card to pay online
Duration of application
Usually take up to 10 working days until the decision is made
( Ref: )

07 Jan 2016
Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) comes under Tier 5, allowing the holder to work full-time in the UK.
According to UK Visa and Immigration rule, you can apply for a Tier 5 YMS visa if you:
Want to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years
Are aged 18 to 30
Have £1890 in savings
Have certain types of British Nationality or are from certain countries
Meet the other eligibility requirements
What you can and cannot do with Tier 5 YMS Visa, also the details about how to apply for it can be found here:
In 2016, nationals of the following countries are eligible to apply for Tier 5 YMS visa:
New Zealand
Hong Kong
Republic of Korea
The date of application, allocated number of applicant slots, requirements and procedures vary on each country.
Please visit the following link for certain countries;
Japan ( News BPA )
Hong Kong ( )
Republic of Korea ( )
Taiwan ( )
BPA offers full support for Tier 5 YMS visa application, once you get selected for the slot. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions and concerns regarding to 2016 Tier 5 YMS application.

21 Dec 2015
Thank you very much for using our service since 2011.
We have renewed out logo this year, and uploaded the website and social media sites in order to improve the information provision and service transparency. The newsletter system has newly started in winter 2015, to provide the latest UK Visa and Immigration news.
UK Visa and Immigration rules have been changing rapidly in the past year, it is highly significant to follow the latest guidance for the success of your application. BPA will continue providing essential information to support everyone who wishes to enter the UK.
All the staff of BPA wishes your wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
*Please check our closing time for Christmas and New Year break. It may take longer to reply your inquiries via email or website, yet we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
BPA is closed:
Dec 24th – 28th, 31st, Jan 1st – 3rd
Any inquiry please email;

18 Nov 2015
Those who hold EEA visa or EEA Family visa, the following information should not be ignored if you are willing to apply to UK Citizenship in the near future.
Condition to apply for UK Citizenship from EEA/ EEA Family Visa - You must
acquire a permanent residence before applying British citizenship.
Applicants, who have acquired permanent residence under the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 following 5 continuous years residence in the
UK, will need to show they have completed a further 12 months of residence in the UK free of immigration time restrictions when applying for British citizenship.
Any applications for British citizenship received on or after 12 November 2015 from persons who have acquired permanent residence in the UK in line with the Regulations,
will need to show they hold a permanent residence card (if a non EEA national) or a document certifying permanent residence (if an EEA national) as evidence they have acquired permanent residence.
BPA offers standard and premium service for the application of Permanent Residence and UK Citizenship, please do not hesitate to contact us.

11 Nov 2015
The following changes regarding Tier 4 General were announced on 13th July 2015, which is to be implemented on 12th November 2015.
ban college students from extending their Tier 4 visas in the UK unless they are studying at an ‘embedded college’, one which has a formal, direct link to a university that is recognised by the Home Office. This will require them to leave and apply for a new visa from outside the UK if they wish to study another course
ban college students from being able to switch visas to Tiers 2 or 5 in the UK, and require them to apply from outside the UK
reduce the time limit for study at further education level from 3 years to 2 years. This brings the maximum period into line with the length of time British students generally spend in further education
For more information, please visit:

29 Oct 2015
Today, 29 October, The government announced, changes to the Immigration Rules. Most of these changes affect applications made on or after 19 November 2015, and are outlined below.
Not allowing EU nationals to make asylum claims, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
Clarifying the circumstances in which refugee status will be withdrawn.
Ensuring indefinite leave and naturalisation applicants, who normally rely on an English language qualification, take a Secure English Language Test.
The introduction of the £35k minimum earnings threshold for Tier 2 settlement, which will come into force on 6 April 2016.
Family/Private Life
Providing that a child’s application for entry clearance will be refused where the Secretary of State considers that the sponsor or the sponsor’s partner poses a risk to the child.
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) of the Points Based System
Amending the endorsement criteria used by Tech City UK, to better reflect the skills and experience of target applicants who are most likely to add value to the UK digital technology sector.
Tiers 2 and 5 of the Points Based System
Adding nurses and four digital technology jobs to the Tier 2 Shortage Occupation List.
Changes to clarify the charity worker rules for sponsors and applicants.
Setting the annual allocation of places available under the Youth Mobility Scheme for 2016.
Minor amendments to the list of Government Authorised Exchange Schemes.
Additional technical changes are being made to the Immigration Rules. For more information visit
News Source from: Home Office Communications

21 Oct 2015
The following changes to the Tier 2 visa application process will take place on 12 November 2015.
Tier 2 – Premium Service Centre (PSC) customers
· The Tier 2 paper application form, for PSC use only, will be removed from, along with the standalone appointment booking function; and
· Tier 2 premium customers can now submit applications and book PSC appointments online, at
PSC appointments are readily available at present, so customers and their legal representatives should not be significantly impacted by the changes to the way appointments are booked.
Customers wishing to reschedule standalone appointments booked prior to 12 November should continue to do so via their UKVI Apply Online account.
Tier 2 - Dependents
· Tier 2 will be removed from the Points Based System (PBS) dependent paper form. This means that all Tier 2 dependant applications made from 12 November will be made via the online application process at
The PBS dependant paper form will remain on, for use by Tier 1 and Tier 5 dependents.
Sponsors are encouraged to direct Tier 2 customers (and any legal representatives) to use the new online service, as soon as possible, as it is a simpler and more user-friendly application process.
Premium Sponsors
If you are a Premium Sponsor you can also contact your designated Account Manager for further information about any of the above changes.
For more information about the Tier 2 application process visit here

28 Sep 2015
If you wish to know whether or not a company and University are a registered sponsor under UK Visa & Immigration, you can access to the most updated list below.
Register of licensed sponsors: STUDENTS Tier 4
The above link contains the list of Tier 2 and Tier 5 sponsors, with information about the category of workers they are licensed to sponsor and their sponsorship rating.
The list gets updated on the daily basis, therefore it is highly significant to always receive the most updated information. BPA offers full support service on the application for Sponsorship License.
Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime regarding questions about Tier 2, Tier 5, Sponsorship License, and so on.

1 SEP 2015
UK Visas and Immigration is converting a number of visa application centres to user pays centres.
From 1 September, applicants will pay a £52 fee to use the application centre, in addition to their visa application fee.
The fee will apply at all user pays centres and is a reduction from what is currently charged at existing user pays centres in nearly 100 other locations.
The affected visa application centres are:
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Jalandhar, India
Osaka, Japan
Jinan, China*
Izmir, Turkey
Rostov, Russia
Dusseldorf, Germany
Zurich, Switzerland
Madrid, Spain
Rome, Italy
Warsaw, Poland
*Jinan will convert to a user pays centre on 1 October.
The £52 fee only covers the cost of operating application centres in these locations and ensures that customers do not have to travel long distances, or to another country, to apply for a visa.
The fee will apply to all applications submitted and paid for after midnight (UK time) on 1 September.
News Source from :

19 Aug 2015
From 1st September 2015, if you are applying for entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) or as an adult dependant (over 18 years old) of the main applicant in this route, you must provide an overseas criminal record certificate for any country you have resided in continuously for 12 months or more, in the 10 years prior to your application.
Following specified documents must be provided by an applicant:
The original certificate, for each country (excluding the UK) where you have resided continuously for 12 months or more in the last 10 years, since aged 18 years old, issued by the overseas authority.
If the original is not in English, then you must provide a translated copy of certificate, in line with the requirements set out at:
UK Visa & Immigration Rules have been changing remarkably in recent years. It is essential to obtain the most updated information for the success of your application.
BPA provides highly efficient, lowly priced, and customised premium service to all the companies and individuals who need visa & immigration support. Please contact us directly to solve any questions and concerns you have.
News source from:

17 Aug 2015
If you wish to know whether or not a company is a registered sponsor under UK Visa & Immigration, you can access to the most updated list here.
The above link contains the list of Tier 2 and Tier 5 sponsors, with information about the category of workers they are licensed to sponsor and their sponsorship rating. The list gets updated on the daily basis, therefore it is highly significant to always receive the most updated information. BPA offers full support service on the application for Sponsorship License.
Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime regarding questions about Tier 2, Tier 5, Sponsorship License, and so on.

3 Aug 2015
Tier 4 (General/Child) Immigration Rules Changed. From 14 July 2015
The start date of your temporary vignette granted by Entry Clearance Officer
The length of the temporary vignette is now 30 days
This vignette is valid from the date either 30 days prior to the start of your
course OR 7 days before your proposed traveling date, whichever is later
You must enter the UK and collect your Biometric Resident Card at the allocated address, which includes the full length of your Tier 4 visa
The changes of maintenance requirements for Tier 4 (General/ Child) apply from 12 November 2015
Tier 4 (General)
The required level of Maintenance Funds for students who will study within London will be raised to £1265 per month
The required level of Maintenance Funds for students who will study outside London keeps the same (£820 per month)
Tier 4 (Child)
The required level of Maintenance Funds for Child students who will study at a non-residential school will be raised to £570 per month
The required level of Maintenance Funds for Child students who will study at a non-residential school, is under the age of 12 and is accompanied by a
parent, will be raised to £1560 per month
The requirement level of Maintenance Funds for Child student who is aged 16
or 17 and is living independently and studying at a non-residential Independent School in London will be raised to £1265 per month
The requirement level of Maintenance Funds for Child student who is aged 16
or 17 and is living independently and studying at a non-residential Independent School outside London will be raised to £1015 per month
All Tier 4 Students
ALL the students now need to prepare the sufficient funds to cover the whole
length of their course, or up to 9 months, whichever is shorter
The maximum amount accommodation being paid which can be offset against
the maintenance requirements will be set to £1265 if the student stays in accommodation arranged by the Tier 4 sponsor and he pays this money to that Tier 4 sponsor.

14 July 2015
The government announced changes to the Immigration Rules on 13 July. Many of these affect Tier 4 of the points-based system.
The main changes will:
stop new students at publicly funded colleges from working, bringing them in line with those at private colleges (from August)
allow university students to study a new course at the same level but only where there’s a link to their previous course or the university confirms that this supports their career aspirations. There will be credibility interviews and sanctions against universities who abuse this rule (from August)
ban college students from extending their Tier 4 visas in the UK unless they are studying at an ‘embedded college’, one which has a formal, direct link to a university that is recognised by the Home Office. This will require them to leave and apply for a new visa from outside the UK if they wish to study another course (from November)
ban college students from being able to switch visas to Tiers 2 or 5 in the UK, and require them to apply from outside the UK (from November)
reduce the time limit for study at further education level from 3 years to 2 years. This brings the maximum period into line with the length of time British students generally spend in further education (from November)
stop Tier 4 dependants from taking a low or unskilled job, but allow them to take part-time or full-time skilled work (from the autumn)
News source from:

15 March 2015
You may need to pay a healthcare surcharge (called the ‘immigration health surcharge’ or IHS) as part of your immigration application.
If you’re applying online or through the premium service centre, you’ll pay the surcharge as part of your application or when you book an appointment.
If you’re applying by post, you must pay the healthcare surcharge onlinebefore you send your application - you’ll need to include the IHS reference number on your application form.
Your information will be shared with the National Health Service (NHS) in England if:
you’ve paid the healthcare surcharge (or are exempt from paying it)
your visa or immigration application is granted
You’ll then be able to use the NHS. You’ll still need to pay for certain types of services, eg prescriptions, dental treatment and eye tests.
You should bring your biometric residence permit with you when you access healthcare in the UK.
You’ll have to pay:
£150 per year as a student, eg £300 for a 2-year visa
£200 per year for all other visa and immigration applications, eg £1,000 for a 5-year visa
Visitor visas and short-term visas
You don’t have to pay the healthcare surcharge if you’re applying from outside the UK for a visitor visa or any visa that lasts 6 months or less.
You don’t need to use the healthcare surcharge service or get an IHSreference number for your visa application. Instead, you’ll have to pay for any healthcare you get through the NHS at the point you use it.
More Infomation:
News Source from:

22 April 2015
UK Visas and Immigration is making changes to the Secure English Language Tests (SELT) required by some visa customers.
Two new providers have been selected to deliver approved Secure English Language Tests and will replace current providers from 6 April 2015.
The two new test providers are:
Trinity College London (for customers applying in the UK only)
IELTS SELT Consortia (for visa customers applying outside or inside the UK)
The new SELT test centres are spread throughout the UK and the rest of the world and will continue to provide easy access for applicants, including a number of new ‘pop-up’ centres in locations where testing was previously not available.
Applicants should go to the SELT page on this website for further information and to find out where their nearest test centre is located. Further information for customers located outside the UK on how to book a test will be available on the IELTS website later this month.
Transitional arrangements
Applicants who take the language test on or before 5 April 2015 with the current providers will be able to use their certificates until 5 November 2015.
Customers who require a SELT should only book a test with a new provider from 6 April. Tests taken with old providers from 6 April will not be acceptable with your visa application.
*No longer available TOEIC score.
News Source from:
Go to SELT page below to find where you can get Tests;

30 January 2015
Please go for linked GOV.UK website to find new application form, if you are the family member of an EEA national who is exercising Treaty rights in the UK and you wish to apply for a registration certificate (if you’re an EEA national) or residence card (if you’re a non-EEA national) as confirmation of your right of residence in the UK.
To find the new form;
News Source from;

16 October 2014
the Tier 1 (Investor) route is being reformed following recommendations from the Migration Advisory Committee. The minimum investment threshold will be raised from £1m to £2m. The government will also consult further on what sort of investment the route should encourage in order to deliver real economic benefits, and other improvements to the route. A consultation document will be published in due course.
The changes announced on 16 October 2014 by the Home Office. Tier 1 (Investor) Visa route come into effect on 6 November 2014.
News Source from;